Signing your own gems
Chapter 9 (Signing Your Gems) of the RubyGems User Guide contains everything you need to know to do this.Here's a quick overview of the steps required.Build a certificate and private key pair$ cd...
View ArticleWhat's next with acts_as_state_machine?
I've been using acts_as_state_machine and there seems to be at least two convenience methods missing that I find quite useful:next_state - what state will we be transitioning tonext_states - list of...
View ArticleSilly Rails Environment Optimisation
Do you find supplying the ./script base directory for any of the commands you want to run in it annoying?Why not practice some Convention over Configuration and assume these commands will always be run...
View ArticleBroken memcached gem/libmemchached port on OS X
Update (2009/04/22):This post was originally only targeted at OS X but I have since noticed Ubuntu also having this same issue. Jump to my additional instructions for Ubuntu.Recipe for disaster:Use...
View ArticleUnpacking a RPM on Ubuntu (or Debian)
# alien --scripts PACKAGE.rpm# ar -x PACKAGE.debYou now have two tarballs control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz.The first is the information dpkg needs to do a proper installation and configuration of the...
View ArticleBroken memcached gem/libmemchached deb on Ubuntu
This post follows on a previous post that was OS X centric.To fix this issue follow the same steps (starting with the download of libmemcached-0.25.14.tar.gz) detailed here.Because the source...
View ArticleCommandline PDF Manipulation
Want to do any of the following from a *NIX based system commandline with PDF documents:Merge PDF DocumentsSplit PDF Pages into a New DocumentRotate PDF Pages or DocumentsDecrypt Input as Necessary...
View ArticleHome made nginx + phusion passenger Debian/Ubuntu dep
If you are using Ubuntu Hardy then you could try using Brightbox's repo instead of building your own deb.If you are however running some other distro then the following (non-definitive) instructions...
View ArticleHome made nginx + phusion passenger OS X port
The instructions to do this are similar to those in my previous article.Install passenger gemThe first step is to install the Phusion Passenger gem:$ sudo gem install -V -r passenger[...]Installing...
View Articlenginx/passenger: Exception RangeError in...
Nasty.I am running nginx+passenger on my OS X laptop and after getting the passenger module installed I got the following stacktrace in /opt/local/var/log/nginx/error.log:*** Exception RangeError in...
View ArticleInstalling the MySQL gem on OS X
If you manage your system packages via the MacPorts system you may run into some problems when trying to install the native MySQL driver gem on OS X.Typically, you'd see output like this when trying to...
View ArticleAuto-sizing jQuery-UI Dialog
I recently upgraded all my jquery and jquery-ui (and some supporting) libs. Part of this upgrade was also to get the latest version of nyroModal working.After several hours of chasing issues with the...
View ArticleMounting a disk image with Windows tools only
Coming from the *NIX/Mac world I frequently find myself mounting ISO images as local disks for software installation, etc.The same requirement recently came up for me on a Windows platform and I was a...
View ArticleUpdate: Home made nginx + phusion passenger OS X port
The new v2.2.5 version of Phusion Passenger has been released.If you want to roll this into OS X without having to use their installer you can simply follow the previous article to get this...
View ArticleInstalling ghc on OS X and getting "./configure: line 11082: syntax error:...
While trying to install ghc from MacPorts I kept getting this:[...]---> Fetching ghc---> Attempting to fetch ghc-6.10.3-src.tar.bz2 from> Attempting to...
View ArticleUntrusted SSH clients or Gdk-WARNING **: Connection to display localhost:10.0...
While connecting to a local RH system via 'ssh -X' I was seeing errors like:Connection to display localhost:10.0 appears to be untrusted. Pointer and keyboard grabs and inter-client communication may...
View ArticleiTerm, and the case of the missing DISPLAY
If you're running as your X server on OS X you generally need to use the xterm window it launches for you as part of the system or your specific xinitrc to connect to remote hosts via SSH when...
View ArticleOS X Snow Leopard and broken scrolling in MacVim
My upgrade to Snow Leopard has been pretty smooth sailing bar one annoying hitch. After the upgrade MacVim stopped scrolling properly.When you scroll down only the last few lines on the screen update...
View ArticleB0rked ports on Snow Leopard
If you are using MacPort to manage OSS on your box and you recently upgraded to Snow Leopard you will find error messages like this when trying to use the ports system:$ port...
View ArticleHow do you make your Clojure REPL suck less?
Simple, rely on the venerable rlwrap that provides you with a readline wrapper around your existing REPL.My sucky REPL looked like this:#!/bin/shjava -cp PATH_TO/clojure.jar clojure.main $1Simply...
View ArticleSharing is caring: Ruby, Perl, Memcached and MsgPack
Do you need to share data structures between ruby and perl ... FAST?I recently saw MsgPack bubble through my RSS feeds and tagged it to go have another look. It provides very fastmulti-language...
View ArticleTACACS+, packet loss and 'Authorization failed' errors
I've been hunting a TACACS+ issue that a customer reported whereby they would be able to log into a network device but somewhere in the duration of the session they would try and run a command and get...
View ArticleResizing your OS X VMWare Fusion Virtual Disk
Assumptions:New disk size is 40GB.Current virtual disk is foo.vdmkCurrent VM image is at /Users/foo/Documents/Foo.vmwarevmQuick recipe:Open up a teminal windowRun: cd /Users/foo/Documents/Foo.vmwarevm...
View ArticleBundling jruby app with rawr:bundle:exe dies with 'private method `split'...
I have a little jruby SWT app that I'm trying to bundle up in its own little cocoon with rawr but I keep getting the following:C:\nms-helper4.git>rake rawr:bundle:exe(in C:/nms-helper4.git)mkdir -p...
View ArticlePDF Forms Editing in OS X
I needed a simple PDF forms editor so that I can fill in and send forms via email and did not want to use the stone age process of printing the PDF out, filling it in, scanning it back in and then...
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